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Google adsense operational activities in a glance


Find here about Google’s three different main roles such as Google operations, Google Advertisers and Google Publishers. Top one online search engine for the past few years is Google, it has various channels and sub-channels operation and use its online operation effectively and successfully. You will know what is Google operations?, How to become Google advertiser? How to become Google publisher?

Google adsense and three main roles

As above brief summary on Google process, Google has three main different channels on its process that helps many across globe. Google operates its online business with outstanding system that attracts millions of online visitors or customer to use Google search engine effectively. Google's three different main roles are Google business operation itself, second one is Google Advertiser to display their business ads on Google associated website, and third one is Google Publisher who post articles on any blog or site that associated with Google. Now, we have understood that there are three different sections in this process that perform with outstanding online operation for each other's benefit.

Google operations

In this online advertisement business and search engine operational business, top one is Google as we know as of today. In the same way, Google is first one in paying high revenue sharing for Google publishers. Google operate this operation successfully chasing all its competitor online, Google update time to time procedure and guideline adhering each countries rules and regulation. Google has millions of customers and publishers across globe. Google has many menu options while you search by using Google webpage, it has various advanced features and updates based on the time and trend. Once Google's Orkut was famous and outstanding, now we can see that Google plus is chasing many social networking sites including Facebook and Twitter etc. Google operations include Google advertise and Google publisher.

Google Advertisers

Now, we can discuss about Google Advertisers. When a reputed company wants their ads to display online, they try to approach few online ads companies like Google, Yahoo, MSN or Rediff etc. in this too, Google is top one in obtaining advertisers or customers. Google has thousands of Advertisers across globe to partner with Google business; reputed business organizatiions like commercial one become as "Advertiser" and join with Google to publish their ads differently in a different format or size for a fixed tenure. Google ads channel is like Google Adwords that helps its advertiser to become member first, let them pay nominal fees to Google and display their desired ads in the desired region and language to get benefit from those online ads displayed and get customer through online ads.

Google Publishers

Third one is Google Publishers who become Google adsense member and let Google to use their article to publish relevant Google ads, for this a site or blog should have been already associated with Google to get advertise on their article to earn it in a genuine process via online visitors favor clicks on those ads. Google publisher has to get Google adsense account first to display Google ads on their article, opening Google adsense account is an interesting one for most of them who uses blog or website to earn potential online revenue side by side from their blog or site contribution. There are hundreds of thousands of Google adsense members are earning potential revenue from Google adsense process.

Once ads display on relevant article of certain publisher, possible for earning few cents or dollars from their quality article for displaying Google ads on that which can convert online visitors to Google advertiser's customer – main reason is generating sales or leads through online adsGoogle adsense approval - basic info

From the above process you would have known Google adsense and three main roles functions, including what is Google operations?, How to become Google advertiser? How to become Google publisher? What is Google adsense? How to get approved Google adsense account? How to earn from Google adsense? What is Google Adwords or Google Advertiser? Etc.

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